Friday, February 6, 2009


The word ICT can be seen everywhere especially at develop country. But what does it mean? ICT is stands for Information Communication Technology.
The existence of this digital technology is to help individuals, businesses and organisations to search for informations. Thus, ICT is a product that complete with the retrieval, storage, manipulation, transmission or receipt of digital data.

In business, ICT is often categorised into two broad types of product:
1} Things that you can do on a personal computer or your home computer or at work is called the tradisional computer based technology. This type of ICT includes Standard Office Application. The main example is word processing such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Photoshop.
2} Recently, a fast growing range of digital communication technologies which allow us and organisations to communicate and share online informations.

Business nowadays is very related and important in ICT because many companies deal with e-commerce.


  1. wah..ada blog ICT ya..tapi nak tanya..betulke tulis entri ni at 3.58 am? huhu or you may be mistaken about this.
    Then, blog ni kan pasal ICT, so your blog should impress the ICT..i mean bila orang skali pandang je blog ni tanpa baca artikel lagi dah tau ni blog ICT..ini mungkin disebabkan dengan you letak gambar berkaitan ICT or you kena buat tema blog ni as ICT. sbabnya skarang blog ni nampak cam blog peribadi.
    Anyway all are the best!hehehe

  2. salam..
    laila, sya ade note utk subjek ni..
    pda format, kalo nak leh la bg email.nt saya attachkan..
    xpun...try visit (
    cari la note computer1..
    any enquiry,tnya la ye..
